
Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Find out how to grow taller: Gain a height increase using the right ways.

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Step 1: Nutrition

Undoubtedly, the quality, quantity, and type of food we eat affect our height, growth, and health. We cannot emphasize enough how important your food intake is in determining how much growth you can possibly obtain. The types of food you eat will either improve or decrease your growth potential.

After careful consideration and research, the daily content of protein, carbohydrates, fats and water can be achieved if the following items were taken regularly. Please take note that this is a guideline and you are free to your own thoughts. Feed yourself rationally to increase your height, be full of energy and live a fuller life.

Fact and Myth

If you eat a lot of peanut butter, your height will not necessarily stop. Neither does masturbation stop height. What might stop you from growing is smoking, drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress, digestive problems, or lack of exercise.

Eating Patterns

Eat at least two hours before starting your exercise. It is a fact that insulin levels are highest right after a big hearty meal. Insulin suppresses HGH release and a big meal takes blood away from your muscles and redirects it to your stomach.

Eating before exercise

Any forms of carbohydrates such as baked potato, bread and jam, spaghetti, or cereal are good choices. Try to eat foods with a medium glycemic index so that your body will have a constant source of energy while exercising. Do not eat chocolate, sugar cubes, and other high sugar content food.

Eating after exercise

We recommend one cup of orange juice mixed with one cup of water, and ¼ tablespoon of salt after a good workout or exercise. However, never ever drink immediately after you have run long and fast, because you can choke. Let your breath stabilise before drinking. As for food, anything high in protein is a good source, mixed with some carbohydrate. A good ratio is ¼ protein and ¾ carbohydrate.

What to avoid

Do not eat meals in large quantities. It is recommended to eat 5 - 7 meals a day. Also, never eat during two hours before sleeping. Eating right before sleep inhibits HGH release and your efforts go to waste. Foods high in saturated fats, high in sugar and processed foods are to be avoided. Do not drink too much water or milk at any one time. Drink at regular intervals (approx. 8 glasses of water a day).

Step 2: Stretching exercise

Exercising is an important part to growing taller. But in order to grow taller you must do the right kind of exercise. Just exercising blindly could lead to a loss in weight or even an increase in muscle. While both may be desirable results, you are exercising to grow taller NOT to lose weight.

Below are just a few types of stretching exercises that will help lengthen your spine and increase your height.

Yoga & Pilates

There are a variety of yoga and pilates exercises we can do to grow taller. These stretching exercises will get your spine right, by aligning your spine correctly and prepare it for elongation.

•  Sit / Easy Position – Sukahasana
This is a starting position that helps focus awareness on breathing and the body, strengthen the lower back and open the groin and hips.

-Sit cross-legged with hands on knees.
-Focus on your on your breath.
-Keep your spine straight and push the sit bones down to the floor.
-Allow the knees to gently lower.
-If the knees rise above your hips, sit on a cushion as it will help support your back and hips.
-Take 5 - 10 slow, deep breaths.
-On the next inhale, raise your arms over your head.
-Exhale and bring your arms down slowly.
-Repeat 5-7 times.



2. Dog and Cat

This will increase your spine's flexibility. These are two poses, one following the other.

-Begin on your hands and knees.

-Keep your hands just in front of your shoulders, your legs about hip width -apart.

-As you inhale, tilt the tailbone and pelvis up, and let the spin curl down, dropping the stomach low, and lift your head up

-Stretch gently

-As you exhale, move into cat by reversing the spinal bend, tilting the pelvis down, drawing the spine up and pulling the chest and stomach in

-Repeat several times, flowing smoothly from dog to cat and cat back into dog

Chin-ups & Pull-ups

These exercises work the shoulders, as well as the back, arms, and obliques. You can experiment with these different types, but only do one exercise type per day. They should be done every other day, or every 2 days, depending on your strength and experience. As with yoga and pilates, doing these exercises regularly can and will help you grow taller.

1. Chin-up

-Step up and grasp bar with an overhand grip.

-Pull down until the chin is above the bar.

-Lower body until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Repeat.

2. Close Grip Chin-up

-Step up and grasp parallel bars.

-Pull body up until elbow are at the sides.

-Lower body until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Repeat.

3. Pull-up

-Step up and grasp bar with a wide overhand grip.

-Pull body until neck reaches the height of the hands.

-Lower body until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Repeat.

Step 3: Boost your growth hormones

Size may matter, but in some cases the smallest thing can have the biggest impact. Like that grape-sized organ, the anterior pituitary gland nestled within your brain. Despite its small dimensions, it is the source of powerful juice when it comes to building height. The anterior pituitary gland is responsible for secreting a substance called somatotropic hormone, more commonly known as "growth hormone," into your bloodstream.

Although the amount of growth hormone your body regularly produces is entirely up to your brain, there are a few things you can do to trick that thrifty gland into being a bit more generous. Now that you've worked hard enough on your body performing the stretching exercises, pay attention to the following ways in order to grow taller.


Get your shut-eye. It's simple math really. Add eight hours to the time you went to bed, then look at your alarm clock before peeling yourself from the sheets. Not getting enough sleep regularly can lower the amount of growth hormone your body produces daily and thus prevent you from growing taller.

Even though excess sleep won't necessarily increase the amount of growth hormone your body secretes, constantly burning your midnight oil could be suppressing how efficiently your body distributes growth hormone during the course of the day. Keeping normal sleeping habits may let you tap into a certain percentage of growth hormone that your bones never get a chance to utilise when sleep-deprived.

Eat Smarter

Focus on eating six or seven smaller meals during your day instead of three or four larger ones. Consuming large meals with a high glycemic index forces the body to release a high amount of insulin into the system to aid with digestion. This reaction not only forces your body to store fat, it may also inhibit the flow of the growth hormone being released throughout your bloodstream. Instead, make a point of consuming other low-sugar foods that will prevent the release of insulin.

The crossover between what you need to stay healthy and what you need to release more growth hormone doesn't stop with eating smaller meals and getting enough shut-eye. All of the same factors that need to be in place for a healthy lifestyle still hold true. Training right, eating right, sleeping right and keeping your stress to a minimum will not only keep you healthier, they will foster the type of environment that encourages the anterior pituitary gland to do its job. Deficits in any of these areas will only slow down how well your body functions as a whole, which in turn slow down the amount of growth hormone that is being continually pumped into your system.

Supplement Strategically

Taking the amino acid glycine immediately before you work out can mildly stimulate the release of growth hormone, but only when taken as a supplement. Trying to achieve the same effect by consuming glycine-rich foods such as poultry or milk prior to exercise only inhibits growth hormone by causing you to exercise on a full stomach, plus the glycine doesn't get absorbed in the same way.

Being introduced into the body in the presence of additional amino acids forces the glycine to compete for transport across the blood-brain barrier, diminishing its effect on the growth hormone levels. The only way glycine can cause a reaction is when taken in isolated supplement form, preferably on an empty stomach to speed up absorption and prevent outside interference from other amino acids.

Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

Nutrition for Increasing Height !



( GREEN, YELLOW, RED pigmented vegetables) These foods are highly important for growth for many different reasons. For one, they are very low in calories. For example, a leaf of lettuce only has one or two calories! This type of food helps you lose bad fat and allows hormone production at its best.


As you probably know, sugary or starchy foods cause your body to release a lot of insulin, which is a major fat-storage and fat-protecting hormone. If you don’t eat enough high-fiber begetables, APPLE can be a very tasty high-fibre alternative.


Fish can be very effective for growth hormone production. Specially, eating fish for dinner is best. When you go to sleep, your growth hormone production is at its peak level. When buying fish, try to chose Non-farmed fish, from remote cold ocean water. This type of fish provides your body both with high-quality protein and very valuable omega-3 fatty acids. Try to avoid farmed salt-water or lake fish and especially any fish that is caught near a big city, as they often contain high level of toxins.


We have nothnig to say. Every one knows how much bones appreciate milk. 3 glass / day of milk can make you grow, grow and grow …..


Egg whites are one of the best food for burning fat for many reasons. On is that egg whites are a source of high-quality protein that digested and absorbed very slowly by your body. Thus it gives your body a slow, constant supply of essential amino acids that build and preserve muscles and growth supplies in the body.


The amino acid group when supplemented in proper amounts and ratios with their vitamin co-factors and other stimulants will in fact allow one’s body to function at its fullest potential in all willing aspects such as growth, health, energy, etc. Amino acid supplements are safe and very effective and when taken on a regular basis can only help one’s overall well being and helps to increase growth hormone production. It is extremely important to take amino acides on daily basis. The specialists of Heightfix has designed the most complete and issencial amino acid bellow. Thes amino acid is specially designed for allowing your body growth at its peak. Taking this amino in regular bases will promote, body strength, enhanced immune system and provide the daily dosage of amino acid. It is your only tool, to keep your growth stimulated after your Heightfix Treatmen.


Food That Make You Grow Taller

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A healthy balanced nutritive diet is imperative for growing tall. Children should eat nutritious foods during their growth years to prevent stunted growth. Adults can also add a few inches to their height long after their growth period is over by eating right.

Main foods that make you grow taller

Proteins rich foods and vitamin and mineral rich foods foodmake you grow taller. Proteins comprise of amino acids which contain enzymes, hormones and antibodies that stimulate growth and effective working of the human body. Whole Eggs, fish, milk and legumes are protein rich diet. Some foods reduce the activity of the human growth hormones that make you taller. So these foods must be excluded from your diet. These foods include carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrate rich foods like cereals, bread and rice hinder growth. Europeans consume more of proteins in their diet than carbohydrates and hence they are taller than Asians who eat carbohydrate rich foods.

Meats contain a lot of lipids and saturated fats that impede growth. So don't eat too much meat. If you are eating non vegetarian food stick to lean red meats, fish liver or sea food like Pink salmon with long bones, blue crabs, rainbow trouts and clams that are low in fat content. Avoid pastries, sweets, sodas and crispies which are high in fat content. Alcohol, drugs and smoking can also retard growth.

Calcium is a prerequisite for growth of healthy bones. Hence foods rich in calcium like milk and other dairy products like yogurt and cheese should necessarily form part of your diet. Leafy vegetables are another source of calcium.

Citrus fruits like oranges and lemon are rich in Vitamin C that promote absorption of calcium and hence result in bone growth.

Other foods that make you grow taller are whole grains, vegetables, fruits, dried beans like nigari, cowpeas and soybeans. Drinking plenty of water helps you to gain height by promoting muscle growth. Whey protein and boiled chicken can also help. Including foods that enable height gain in your diet is hence very important for attaining full growth mentally and physically.

Anyone who is under 170 cm wants to grow taller, stop lie to yourself if you say NO now. The good news is that you can grow taller at any age, and on this hub you will learn how to grow taller with right food.

It's a fact that it’s hard to grow taller only with exercises, you must have a good diet to go with it if you want to grow taller, you need to know what are the right things to eat.

Calcium is in my opinion is the most crucial element that has to be in your diet if to grow taller. Everyone think that milk and dairy items contain lots of calcium, but it’s a lie you need to get it from other resources, Tehina is a great food that has a tone of Calcium in it.

You must avoid foods such as salt, sugar and caffeine because they will damage your Calcium intake to the body that will damage your growth!

As well you need to give your body a lot of Protein when you grow taller, meat, eggs and tuna are good sources for Protein, but you can also drink mild and such.

Also green vegetables and fruits in your diet will be more than good, you need vitamins to grow taller, especially Vitamin D!

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

How to be A Christian Without Being Religious ?

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Menurut kamus Webster, agama adalah suatu sistem iman dan ibadah.

Ya, Kekristenan memang seperti itu.

Menurut kamus Webster, agama adalah pelayanan dan pengagungan kepada ALLAH yang diungkapkan dalam bentuk ibadah.

Ya, Kekristenan memang seperti itu.

Menurut kamus Webster, agama adalah suatu devosi, ketaatan, suara hati, atau keyakinan akan adanya eksistensi tertinggi yang membangkitkan hormat, kasih, ucapan syukur, ketaatan dan melayani.

Kekristenan memang seperti itu…bahkan lebih lagi.God and Heaven

Kekristenan lebih dari sekadar agama, karena setiap agama memiliki karakteristik dasar berikut : Para pengikut suatu agama mencoba menjangkau Allah, menemukan Allah, dan menyenangkan  Allah melalui usaha mereka sendiri. Agama mencoba menggapai Allah. Sebaliknya kekristenan adalah Allah yang menjangkau manusia. Kekristenan menyatakan bahwa manusia tidak menemukan Allah, tetapi Allah-lah yang menemukan mereka.

Kita tidak mau menerima kasih Allah. Namun, kita susah payah berusaha menjangkau dan menjaga agar Allah tetap berada dalam genggaman tangan kita.

Namun, Allah tidak mau tinggal dalam genggaman kita. Ketika Dia masuk dalam hidup Anda, Dia menuntut seluruh keberadaan Anda. Jauh dari kepura-puraan dan kesombongan religius. Jauh dari permainan religius yang disebut “gereja” yang Anda mainkan setiap Minggu.

Permulaan kitab Roma sebenarnya aneh bila ditulis oleh orang Yahudi yang pernah membenci kekristenan. Paulus adalah orang Yahudi. Ia seorang Rabi. Ia termasuk dalam golongan orang yang amat konservatif dalam hal beribadah, yakni orang-orang Farisi. Segera setelah kematian dan kebangkitan Kristus pada tahun 33 M, Paulus berusaha keras membasmi Kekristenan. Yang Paulus tahu, orang-orang kristiani itu salah karena mengklaim bahwa Yesus adalah Mesias yang dijanjikan, Sang Juru Selamat . Baginya, itu sama sekali tidak masuk akal!

Namun, di tengah usahanya menganiaya orang-orang kristiani (baca Kisah Para Rasul 9) Paulus tersungkur ke tanah saat bertemu cahaya yang membutakan dirinya. Ia mendengar suara Kristus yang hidup, dan kemudian bertobat. Lalu paulus benar-benar berubah. Ia meninggalkan orang-orang Farisi (dengan menanggung segala risikonya) dan menjadi orang kristiani yang sungguh-sungguh, “menjadi hamba “ Kristus. Dan sejak awal Paulus tahu bahwa menjadi seorang kristiani bukanlah menjadi “religius”. Sebagai orang Farisi, ia amat mengerti seluk-beluk agama. Ia tahu benar hukum Taurat, seperti Anda menghafal abjad. Meskipun demikian, hukum itu tidak memberinya damai.

Injil Bukanlah Hukum dan Beban

Injil bukanlah hukum dan beban. Injil bukanlah daftar religius:’Anda tidak boleh melakukan ini.. Anda tidak boleh melakukan itu…lepaskan tangan…jangan sentuh…lakukan ini atau mati”.

Injil Adalah Kabar baik

Melalui Kristus, Allah Pencipta melibatkan diri dengan umat manusia. Dia melepaskan kuasa-Nya dan menjangkau kita sambil berkata, “Aku mengasihimu;bebanmu akan lenyap. Anak-Ku telah mati bagi dosamu dan rasa bersalahmu.

Yang penting disini adalah kita tak dapat menjangkau Allah dengan agama saja. Injil adalah satu-satunya kuasa yang dapat membuat kita benar di hadapan Allah. Allah menyelamatkan kita bukan dari perbuatan baik atau buruknya kita. Namun merupakan karunia / bonus imbalan kepada mereka yang berdosa pun tetap akan diberikan kemuliaan di hadapan Allah

Tetapi bukanlah tidak adil kalau Allah membebaskan penjahat-penjahat dan mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak bersalah? Adil, sebab Ia menerima orang-orang berdosa ini atas dasar kepercayaan  mereka kepada Yesus yang menghapuskan dosa mereka.

Dalam studi klasiknya atas Kitab Roma,  ia mengungkapkan bahwa kekristenan bukan sebuah agama, melainkan sebuah hubungan. Kekristenan bukan sesuatu yang dapat dimatikan oleh ritual, peraturan, dan tradisi yang tidak membawa suka-cita dan melumpuhkan pikiran. Kekristenan tidak menuntut kita untuk menjangkau Allah, sebaliknya ia membawa kabar baik tentang Allah yang menjangkau manusia


Agar orang menyukai anda

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  • Jika ingin supaya orang-orang menyukai Anda, ingatlah bahwa nama bagi seseorang merupakan hal yang paling enak bunyinyaArti Persahabatan
  • Anda dalam tempo 2 bulan akan mendapatkan lebih banyak teman dengan memperhatikan orang lain dari pada dalam 2 tahun dengan hanya berusaha membangkitkan perhatian orang kepada anda sendiri.
  • Suatu pelajaran yang harus diketahui oleh setiap politikus ialah bahwa mengingat-ingat nama akan membuat dia menjadi seorang ahli negara.
  • Orang-orang yang benar-benar besar menunjukkan kebesarannya dari cara memperlakukan sesama mereka yang kurang cerdas & terpelajar.
  • Pedang yang tajam menyebabkan luka yang dalam, tetapi kata-kata yang jahat menyebabkan suatu luka yang jauh lebih sukar menyembuhkannya